What if four children were abducted by a UFO and implanted with stolen technology capable of destroying an ancient alien race? What if twenty years later those same aliens want what was taken from them? Find out in Mad Cave’s intergalactic new series: Stargazer.
Story by Anthony Cleveland (Show’s End), with art by Antonio Fuso (Wyrd) and Stefano Simeone (Clankillers). Letterer Justin Birch (RV9) rounds out the creative team.
Mad Cave’s Editor-in-Chief Chris Fernandez explains:
“From the moment we started playing with the idea of Stargazer, I knew this was going to be a special book. Whether you’re into coming of age stories like Stand by Me or UFO classics like E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Stargazer has something for you.”
Writer Anthony Cleveland adds:
“I truly enjoyed crafting the personal stakes for each character in comparison to the massive cosmic conflict going on above their heads. What comes from that is an emotional story that I can’t wait to see readers respond to.”
Artist Antonio Fuso said:
“Anthony Cleveland does an amazing job blending the feel of a vintage blockbuster with all of the impact of a modern-day sci-fi thriller. You’ll love this book as much as I love working on it.”

STARGAZER #1 will hit store shelves in May 2020.
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