Love Is A Battlefield! Mad Cave Announces Love Me: A Romance Story

Can a robot fall in love? In the bustling streets of New York City, sometime in the far future, robots like JoJo have taken on everyday jobs. Driving a taxi around NYC is all in a day’s work for JoJo, but when he meets the mysterious Gilda, it’s love at first sight!

Coming this April from Mad Cave Studios is the newest romance miniseries Love Me: A Romance Story, the debut romance/sci-fi/action series from writer Francesca Perillo, featuring art from Stefano Cardoselli (Don’t Spit in the Wind) with colors by Lorenzo Scaramella, letters by Buddy Beaudoin, and cover B by Nimit Malavia!

Writer: Francesca Perillo – Artist: Stefano Cardoselli
Colorist: Lorenzo Scaramella – Letterer: Buddy Beaudoin
Release Date: April 17th, 2023

Synopsis: New York City, sometime in the far future, where robots like JoJo have taken over the tasks humans no longer want to perform…like driving a taxi. JoJo is pretty happy with his lot in life but feels as though something is missing…then he meets Gilda and it’s love at first sight. But the course of true love is a bumpy one and JoJo is going to find that out firsthand when he discovers that Gilda is entangled with the mafia that runs his beloved city, and they’re very much against this potential union for their own reasons. Watch out, JoJo!

Meet the Creators!

“Love Me is the story everyone can read: it’s about possibility, hope and diversity. It talks about the ability to wait for and recognize the love that comes after personal fulfillment. In fact, if you are fulfilled with your life, grateful for the work you have achieved, the conquests you have made and the friends you have chosen, despite the difficulties, you can leave room for true feelings even if they are scary and put you face to face with great challenges and strange emotions. Love me is the story of all those who have been able to wait for true love, in the seat of a taxi or at the table in a bar just like what happened to me.”
-Writer, Francesca Perillo (She/Her)

“Love Me is my first romance story. It has made me more patient in constructing the details of a story’s design, and it contains many details that I hope readers will like. I had fun inserting Easter Eggs into many pages of the comic (poking fun at the author Francesca a bit)!

With this series, I faced some new challenges such as: creating buildings, skylines, perspectives, and points of view different from those I was used to when creating my previous Mad Cave series (Don’t wind spit in the Wind). The biggest difficulty was bringing out the emotions felt by a robot that has no mouth to smile or express disappointment, just a set of binoculars to look at the world.”
-Artist, Stefano Cardoselli (He/Him)


We’ve got a sneak peek into the pages of Love Me: A Romance Story! Check it out below!

Love Me: A Romance Story #1, the first chapter in the four-issue miniseries, is now available for pre-order on the official Mad Cave website, and will be available at your favorite bookstore, local comic shop, and digital comic reader on April 17th, 2024!


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