Andrew Eschenbach

Sit down with Cincinnati-based writer/tattooist Andy Eschenbach as we discuss what the Lower Your Sights project means to him, his contribution to the anthology, and his thoughts on the unifying power of art.

Q: What does this project mean to you?
Andy: The project, to me, is a way to hopefully help those who have no real say in what’s happening around them. Hopefully, our story also reaches readers in a meaningful way, but really, I’m most happy to work together with everyone else to provide direct support for the kids.

Q: What is your contribution to Lower Your Sights? (Short Story, Pinup, Etc.)
Andy: I wrote the four-page short “Maggots” for the anthology, with Alex Moore on art, Taylor Esposito on letters, and Chas! Pangburn on edits.

Q: In addition to supplying food and essential supplies, Voices of Children also provides art therapy to help kids cope and overcome the stress, anxiety, and trauma of living in war conditions. Do you believe art has the power to heal?
Andy: Art can definitely help people cope with trauma and/or stress. Besides providing an outlet for raw expression, it gives people a place where they can have control or stability completely on their own terms, and without interfering or interrupting anyone else’s ability to do the same.

Twitter: @andyeschenbach | Instagram: @mr_flyingtigerandy

Andy’s writing will be featured in the short story, Maggots, from our upcoming Ukrainian benefit anthology, Lower Your Sights.

Mad Cave Studios and Voices Of Children are teaming up to publish Lower Your Sights, a graphic novel anthology, to raise awareness and proceeds for children impacted by war. Earnings from the book’s sales are going directly to the Voices of Children foundation.

Lower Your Sights is available for preorder (FOC on August 29th 2022), and officially in stores on September 14th, 2022. You can pre-order your very own copy of this benefit anthology here.