Magic is all but extinct. When the last ailing wizard casts a final desperate spell to summon the descendants of ancient bloodlines to a school for magic now in disrepair…those chosen ones find a horror of the likes they’ve never experienced. They will have to confront the deepest parts of themselves, their tragic pasts, and defeat each other to survive the ordeal.
Monomyth is an all-new mini-series from the mind of David Hazan (Nottingham).
Here's What Critics Are Saying

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“Monomyth gives characters and readers a challenge on what magic really is. The way a story is told can enchant readers as well as drive them into obsession. The masterful presentation by every member of the creative team really sells the reader on the idea. With just the first issue this series already has 9/10.” -Jake Palermo

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“Monomyth #1 is an exciting journey into a realm full of secrets that begs to be explored further through its captivating artistry and thrilling plotline.” -Justin Soderberg

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“David Hazan and company have the next big magical hit on their hands here.”