A chivalrous faerie mushroom embarks on a quest to uncover a clandestine threat that has brought calamity to his magical woodland kingdom.

An adolescent girl from northwest Philadelphia desperately searches for her lost dog.

As their destinies coalesce, a whimsical friendship forms. But peril is nigh, and their respective journeys threaten to challenge the foundation of their realities… and reality itself.

David the Gnome meets David Lynch in this boundary crossing ecological fantasy filled with humor, horror, depth and delight.


Oliver Bly is a cartoonist, mycology enthusiast, and invasive Philadelphian currently residing in Western Washington. His debut graphic novel, The Mushroom Knight, is an ontological urban faerie tale that explores the ecology of our day from a variety of perspectives—some plant, some animal, some human-animal, and some… decidedly none of the above.


The Mushroom Knight Vol. 2 GN

Release Date:
November 5, 2024
Format: Paperback | ISBN: 9781545809495
Price: $19.99 | Page Count: 96 pages

The Mushroom Knight Vol. 1 GN

Release Date: March 5, 2024
Format: Paperback | ISBN: 9781960578792
Price: $19.99 | Page Count: 112 pages

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The Characters

Gowlitrot the Gardener

Gowlitrot the Gardener and his compatriots guard the Kingdom of Glöd from invasive species of flora and fauna, and from monstrous entities that appear from time to time to wreak havoc and dark mischief on the creatures therein. Gowlitrot is a prim, proper fellow with an eccentric disposition and an abundance of curiosity that often puts him at odds with his own good sense. Brave where it counts, but naive where it matters, Gowlitrot has been shaken by a betrayal that has cut him straight to heart.

Lemuelle Clemmons

Lemuelle Clemmons is a clever yet cowardly twelve-year-old human girl struggling to hold onto her sense of stability and safety in a world that seems keen on peeling it away. But Lem has weapons to endure, including a gift for music that borders on magic, allowing her to see beyond this world into an esoteric ecosystem filled with wild and wondrous things… things that are as fascinated by her as she is of them.


Hopalong or Hops is Gowlitrot’s faithful stool-toad, werfrog, and Garden companion. More than just a mount, Hops’ wise and skeptical perspective ensures that Gowli’s back is always had at every twist and turn.

Erdagaude the Ranger

Erdagaude the Ranger is one of Gowlitrot’s colleagues and friends who, for reasons unknown, has stolen an important enchanted artifact called The Candle Fly, leaving her fellow citizens vulnerable to attack. Loyal, diligent, and extraordinarily capable, something dark and mysterious has infiltrated Erdagaude and turned her onto a cryptic and dire path. At the core of her treachery is a vexing mystery that may threaten to undo the tightly woven threads holding together the vast green Kingdom of Glöd, and all that lies beyond.


Grekin is one of Gowli’s best friends and his wannabe sidekick. Not entirely sure of himself, Grekin struggles to be included, and to be seriously listened to by anyone except his pet Snooterpillar, Pasume(puh-zoo-me) …at least when she’s not hell bent on finding a snack. Those that know Grekin best know that there’s more to the young brewmaster than first glance suggests. This little furry friend has a heart of iron and a cunning mind to boot, good for untangling knots and hunting down missing pieces of the puzzle.


Primrod is an ominous Tridipid Knight, sent to Gowli’s town to investigate The Candle Fly’s theft. Inscrutable and menacing, Primrod stalks Gowlitrot and his friends, invoking questions about his true allegiance, and what he is truly hunting.