Antonio Fuso: Stargazer – Creator Spotlight

Get to Know the Artist Behind Mad Cave’s New Sci-Fi/Drama

We are very excited to bring you a series of Creator Spotlight articles that focus on our newest title, Stargazer. Today, Chris Sanchez was joined by series artist, Antonio Fuso, to discuss a little about what went into the process of illustrating Stargazer.

Chris Sanchez: Hello, Antonio, thanks for taking the time to join us on our Creator Spotlight. I’m really excited to talk about your first series with Mad Cave Studios. First things first, tell us a bit about yourself. What’s your background, and how did you get into comics?

Antonio Fuso: My background is not the typical “comic book artist background”. I studied art in high school, but, after that, I moved to sociology at the university and then attended a graphic design school. I did several different jobs to pay for my studies: shop assistant, bartender, client information worker at the train station, guide at the Zoo, but I always loved comics.
What’s funny is that during those jobs, my colleagues recognized how I was constantly doodling on every piece of paper I could find. One of them told me that I should definitely show my work to someone, so I put together a portfolio and went to Lucca Comics (the biggest comic convention here in italy). The rest is history.

Chris Sanchez: Do you remember your first comic?

AF: Sure, it was Jim Lee’s Punisher.

CS: What comic book character do you identify most with, and why?

AF: Oh, I don’t really identify with any characters anymore, but when I was kid I loved Nightcrawler!

CS: Who are your art heroes? What inside or outside of comics inspires you?

AF: Ashley Wood, Frank Miller, Sergio Toppi, Guido Crepax, Stuart Immonen, John Paul Leon are some of my art heroes. What inspires me? Everything dissonant in music, films and fashion! And sport of course, I love soccer and basketball!

CS: What are you currently reading, watching, and/or listening to?

AF: I’m reading Grand Union by Zadie Smith, watching Peaky Blinders, and listening to King of Convenience!

Any guilty pleasures you want to own up to?

AF: I spend too much time playing NBA live on PS4, I’m in the middle of a season right now with the Brooklyn Nets!

CS: Can you tell me a little bit about how you approached Stargazer?

AF: I’m having so much fun working on this book, it’s so exciting, a continuous challenge, so many characters, time and place settings, kids, aliens…is great!

CS: What is your favorite part of illustrating a comic book?

AF: Inking!

CS: And what is your least favorite part of illustrating a comic book?

AF: Doing thumbnails. I love to improvise!

CS: Do you have any advice for aspiring comic book illustrators?

AF: In the beginning, copy a lot to learn and, eventually, find your own unique style.

CS: Finally, what can fans expect from the rest of this series?

AF: Conspiracy, nostalgia and aliens. Stargazer will be the kind of book you’ll love to read over and over again!

Stargazer #1 will hit store shelves in May 2020.


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